How will a partnership with TLD help my business?
Depending on your business type and partnership package, TLD can support your business in a number of ways. A basic partnership includes promotion of your business in our statewide Local Food Guide which is distributed across Michigan to 125,000 individuals each year. Basic partnership also includes a digital business listing in our filterable Find Food & Farms directory.
Our team knows there is no one size fits all approach to running a small business. That is why all TLD partnerships are customizable to fit the unique needs of your business. Need social media support? Wondering which e-commerce platform is best for you? Have a new product you’d like help sampling? Looking to connect to new markets? Need signage for your store? Talk to your Local Food Coordinator to learn about the options that meet the needs of your business.
When are the Guides printed and distributed?
We design the annual Local Food Guides in house and print each publication in mid May. Distribution begins in late May and early June with our regional release parties and continues, as needed, throughout the year.
Are the Guides free?
Yes, they are a free community resource. Get a copy mailed to your door!
Where is it distributed?
The Local Food Guide is distributed across Michigan at farmers markets, coffee shops, breweries, wineries, hotels, libraries, chambers of commerce, CVBs, doctors’ offices, restaurants, retail stores, and more. We also distribute Guides at all MDOT Welcome Centers and at every event we attend.
How can I request Guides for my business?
Send an email to [email protected] to coordinate a delivery with your regional Local Food Coordinator.
Who looks at the website?
Everyone! Our searchable database is a great place for consumers to find local food, for businesses to connect to one another, and for anyone to find resources like recipes, stories and infographics. According to our Google analytics, 31% of our website visitors are from out-of-state, including places like Illinois, Oregon, Massachusetts, and California. 61% come from within Michigan, and 31% are from Ann Arbor, Detroit, Lansing or Grand Rapids.
Who looks at the newsletter?
As of November 2020, we have over 8,000 newsletter subscribers from across Michigan. Our readers are mainly consumers and our food business partners
Which regions does TLD Serve?
The entire state of Michigan with regional representatives dedicated to serving the unique needs of each region.
How does TLD make business decisions?
All our business decisions are guided by our mission and founding principles.
Is TLD in competition with Edible publications?
While our work overlaps a bit, we are complements to each other rather than competitors. The quarterly Edible magazines highlight local food through long form stories, recipes, and advertisements while TLD’s Local Food Guide is a directory to farms and food businesses with some short feature stories. Additionally, TLD provides a host of media, marketing and local food consulting services for local food businesses not offered by Edible publications.
Is TLD a nonprofit?
No. We are a mission-driven, triple bottom line business. We complete our community food systems work following a sustainable, for-profit business model.
Does TLD apply for grant funding?
No. However, we do work as contractors with our community partners on innovative, grant-funded projects. We are also happy to write letters of support for any of our community partners seeking grant funding for projects related to our mission.
Is TLD self-sustaining?
Yes. The work we do supporting local farms and food producers and educating consumers is supported by the fees for the services we offer.
How do you define Local?
The short answer is that we don’t. Everyone views local differently, so we give consumers the information they need to decide if a product is “local” enough for them. That said, we currently use our materials to highlight businesses and products from within the state of Michigan.
Will TLD expand beyond Michigan?
Our long-term business plan has TLD expanding outside of the state to provide our value-tested suite of services to other food communities. If you are interested in learning more about this, please contact us at [email protected]
Will large retailers like Kroger and Walmart be able to use TLD?
No. The largest retailers we work with are local, family-owned chains. Smaller retailers can differentiate themselves, and highlight their local offerings, by using TLD branded, in-store signage. Learn more here.
Are marketing materials customizable?
Yes, everything is customizable. Don’t see something that fits your needs? Work with our designer to create what you need. Learn more here.
Did we miss something? Send us a line here and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!