April 18, 2019

10 Uses for Maple Sap & Syrup

Maple syrup is Michigan’s “liquid gold.” It takes 40 gallons of sap from sugar maples to boil down to 1 gallon of syrup. Michigan ranks in the Top…

April 17, 2019

Crop Spot: Radishes

After months of gray skies and storage vegetables, the first spring crops are a welcome relief for the eyes and the palette. An often underappreciated crop is the…

March 22, 2019

What’s our Why?

We all have a stake in our food system and environment. Since 2004, Taste the Local Difference has continued to change the culture around local food by promoting…

March 21, 2019

A Farmer’s Diary: Beginning Farmer Institute, Part 3

Our third and final Beginning Farmer Institute (BFI) session took us to Washington state to talk business formation, business planning and long-term health, land tenure, credit, taxation, liability,…

February 25, 2019

New Owners for Taste the Local Difference

“It’s the best of both worlds scenario,” I say when people ask. “TLD is able to grow — continuing its mission and strengthening its business all at once.”

February 25, 2019

Crop Spot: Garlic

What is related to onions, leeks and lilies, keeps mythical creatures at bay, enhances the flavor of many dishes, and has antimicrobial properties? If you guessed Allium sativum…

February 21, 2019

5 Favorite Foodie Films for 2019

We all turn to film and video for inspiration, escape, education and sometimes even in search of purpose. A well done film will take you on a journey…

February 7, 2019

Seeds for Spring in Michigan

Winter continues to drag on in its unforgiving way, but with each day spring is ever nearer. For you farmers and gardeners out there, now is the time…

January 29, 2019

Jumpstart 2019: Add these 3 things to your Diet

This year, consider what you should add into your daily diet rather than remove. Moving beyond restrictive diets is one of TLD’s top health goals for you in…

January 29, 2019

MIFFS Conference: Adding Tools to your Tool Box

Conference season is upon us! With so many food and farming conferences between now and March, it’s often difficult to decide which to attend. If you’re free February…