Groundwork Center Hosts Harvest at Home

Community connection. Who’s not craving that these days, as the words, “social distancing” become far too much a part of our lexicon!

Well, here’s a dose of safe, but rich, community connection that we know you’ll love. Set aside October 10, at 6 p.m., to join in on Groundwork’s Harvest at Home online celebration. The event is Groundwork’s lively and innovative alternative to the annual in-person Harvest gathering that has become a beloved shining light on Traverse City’s annual event calendar (and the largest farm to table dinner east of the Mississippi!).

Keeping the spirit of Harvest, the online Harvest at Home will serve up an eclectic mix of local food cooking, led by Chef Loghan Call, a live concert by Joshua Davis, silent auction, guest appearances and energized hosting by Groundwork Executive Director Hans Voss and Events Manager Miriam Owsley.

“Connecting community through food” is what Chef Loghan has strived to do since moving to Traverse City three years ago and founding Planted Cuisine, he says. “And what better place than Traverse City, where food and agriculture are so important, and there’s such an incredible melting pot of talent.”

Here’s how the food part of the evening works:

1. Check out Chef Loghan’s recipes and ready-made shopping list today so that you can prepare for the big event.

2. As an alternative to the shopping list, you can purchase a farm box on the Harvest at Home event website that includes the ingredients for four people (Act quickly- there are only 50 boxes available)!

3. Chef Loghan will also post three videos that walk you through making the food (we suggest doing this days ahead of time to build the excitement and so you are well prepped). Coming soon!

4. When 6 p.m., October 10 arrives, have your kitchen ready and cook along with Chef Loghan and Miriam to enjoy a delicious plant-based meal, while sharing it with hundreds of other online Groundwork fans.

5. Boost the community fun factor by coordinating with friends in their homes, so you are all cooking and taking part and sharing with each other by video phone while Harvest at Home plays on your computer.

6. Stay plugged into the show to see the entire evening’s festivities. 7–8 p.m. will be variety content and silent auction excitement, and 8–9 p.m. Joshua Davis will take the stage!

Registration, details and farm boxes at!