As You Dish: Celebrating Michigan’s Natural Bounty

This past week, I overheard two men talking about Turkey Season, which lasts until May 31, 2017. Sportsmen around the state have bagged game and brought it to their kitchens for generations. When we talk about tasting the local difference, it’s important to remember the natural bounty that Michigan gives us.


Spring gives us more than just wild turkey. Morels are in season, and many of you will be enjoying wild leeks as well. From fish to fowl, from wild game to herds of farm animals and crops, our state gives us a broad array of ingredients. You and I, as well as we can, put it all on the table in a celebration of this bounty as a way to come together as family and friends.

As You Dish is always looking for ways to blend these ingredients and we treat them as gifts. Whenever we lead a cooking class, prepare a private dinner, or cater a small event, we try to make use of the things that are uniquely Michigan. In doing so, we not only pay homage to our roots, we create our own art. Our particular stamp on the Taste the Local Difference movement is the way we incorporate something from our corner of the state and something from ourselves.

Wine makers call this terroir when they speak of the way a vineyard surrenders grapes that make the wine. We call it cooking.

Look for future articles form us where we share our recipes from our summer events and our fall classes. We will share some secrets from our kitchen about our seasoning blends, our favorite soups and salads, and all manner of proteins. As our favorite local wines become available, we will suggest some pairings as well. And remember us for your appetizer party or private cooking lesson this summer!

Coming up:

as you dish kombucha

Cooking with Kombucha, May 24th, 6-8:30pm

Join Andi Pellicci of As You Dish & Courtney Lorenz with Cultured Ferments in a collaborative cooking class!

Andi Pellicci is a personal chef and owner of As you Dish. Contact her at [email protected]