Healthy Kids Week: April 23-27

TLD would like all Michigan kids to have access to fresh, tasty and local foods.  Over the last year we’ve been inspired by the level of engagement we’ve had making these goals a reality at worksites, schools and other community organizations across Michigan.

For Healthy Kids Week, TLD is promoting these nutrition related goals:

  • Cook with Kids: children are naturally curious and exploring the kitchen will help them build lifelong healthy eating habits.  They will become familiar with different foods, cooking methods, ingredients and kitchen gadgets. This exposure will make them more likely to taste and hopefully enjoy more foods.  It’s never too early to start, children as young as 2 can help wash fruits and vegetables, stir, place chopped vegetables in a bowl, top ingredients on flat breads, and squeeze juice out of lemons or oranges.
  • Eat Local with Kids:  offer kids local dried or frozen fruits, canned, dried or frozen beans. Local can still happen even in April and kids love fruit and “musical fruit”!  Look for ways to get in an additional ½ cup per day. Use frozen berries on hot or cold cereal, in blended drinks, in pancakes or waffles and with yogurt.   Add beans to ground meat dishes, soups, and salads.
  • Play with Kids:  the great outdoors is calling, and our kids are ready to run!  With the spring weather finally arriving, jump in some puddles, find a new hiking trail, or play catch. Remember to stay hydrated with water!

Paula Martin is TLD’s Community Health Coordinator. She is a registered Dietitian Nutritionist and former Director of Health Promotion Programs at Carnegie Mellon University. Contact her at [email protected]